Jaycraft Peeling Line 4
JayCraft Peeling line 4 is for twin batch production .
It comprises of the following equipment
Surge Tank Elevator, Roller Inspection Table, Swan Neck Elevator, Dip Wheel into Twin Bagger Weigher.
The latest peeling line, is a design which allows us to use two of our new 112 potato batch peelers, thus making the production of this line approximately 2 ton an hour.
Jaycraft 112 Twin Batch Potato Peelers
The potato peelers are being fed by a single in feed bulk Hopper. The two peelers sit close together, forming a left-hand peeler and a right-hand peeler. By reducing the width, it allows the use of only one in feed into both peelers and therefore will double the capability of the finished product.
Our peelers are suitable for most root crop which includes potatoes, sweet potato, carrots, swede and turnips.
With a wide range of food processing equipment held in stock we can provide a peeling line to suite both the size of your prep room but also budget .
with a combination of both new and used food machinery .
Please contact us for more information
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Agroselector Arcus (Colour Sorter )