JayCraft Potato Batch Peeler
JayCraft Potato Batch peeler, which is for peeling potatoes, carrots and swede
Our most popular machine is the small 56lb manual peeler and the 112lb automatic peeler.
The rumbler is designed to removal the outer skin of most root crop.
Including potatoes and carrots.
Also our larger abrasive batch peeler.
Suitable for both Swede and Turnips.
The abrasive drum and plate gently remove the skin from the product, leaving a smooth finish.
With a built-in control panel, it will give you the flexibility for timed loading, peeling, and discharge.
Available As:
- JC56-140 Manual Peeler
- JC112-140 Automated Batch Peeler
- JC112-300 Automated Batch Peeler suited to Swede and Turnips
When you have experienced the steadfast reliability of the JC Peelers, you will appreciate how they deliver economy to your production, by the consistent, uniform quality and reliable performance.
Please contact us for more information
Also in-stock